Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Pre-Tax Profit Table

Ten banks made losses of in excess of £10,000,000. They are (together with their excuses):
147th: MediCapital Bank Plc -£11,892,000 31.12.07
"Results reflect the extensive investment the bank has made in its systems and people with operating expenses totalling £12,409,000. Personnel expenses continues to be our most significant cost with employee numbers almost doubling to 67 as we continue to build our team to its full complement in preparation for 2008 and onwards."
148th: Ivobank Ltd -£12,307,577 30.6.07
"...currently working towards a launch in Q1 2008. At the end of the period, the company had recruited all the staff required to launch the bank and was testing the systems required to run the bank."
149th: Europe Arab Bank Plc -£14,396,855 (converted from Euros) 31.12.06
"The losses attributable to the three strategic business units for 2006, were Euro8.2m. The majority of the Euro15.2m of additional losses were incurred as part of the restructuring project and the purchase of 13-15 Moorgate in London."
150th: London Scottish Bank Plc -£16,440,000 31.10.07
"The Group recorded a loss before tax and goodwill impairment from continuing operations of £5.6million. The Group's loss before tax from continuing operations was £18.1million. Strong performances were recorded by: the Robinson Way debt collection division with profits up 57% to £13.9m, mortgages and secured lending with profits up 20% to £3.3m, and factoring with profits up 17% to £2.5m. These strong performances were offset by: another disappointing performance from the Broking division with a loss of £2.9m, and Unsecured Consumer Credit which recorded a loss of £22.4m."
151st: Vanquis Bank Ltd -£17,337,000 31.12.06
"While losses were incurred in the period, the business is currently in a "start-up" phase and in this context the directors are satisfied with the current financial position of the company and future prospects."
152nd: Liverpool Victoria Banking Services Ltd -£19,973,000 31.12.06
"The 2006 year saw a continuation of the highly competitive marketplace for both Personal Loans and Credit Cards. This was again combined with an ongoing high incidence of customer default, which impacted across the industry as a whole, particularly as a result of increases in individual voluntary arrangements and bankruptcies. Against this background the Bank traded at a loss in 2006."
153rd: HFC Bank Ltd -£75,383,000 31.12.06
"Loss before tax increased by £22.4m or 42% compared with 2005. Excluding the card business (reported as discontinued operations), loss before tax increased by 197 per cent driven by lower customer balances and a deterioration in the credit environment, offset by lower expenses."
154th: Royal Bank of Canada Europe Ltd -£81,638,000 31.10.07
"[A] severe disruption in the financial markets contributed to substantial writedowns of securities held and negatively impacted the effectiveness of hedging strategies in the Company's Financial Products business resulting in a full year pre-tax loss for that business of £131million." Increased staff costs (of £18.5m) were also blamed.
155th: Egg Banking Plc -£154,500,000 31.12.06
"...one element [of the loss] was the impact of a marked deterioration in industry wide consumer behaviour. This has resulted in a reduction of net borrowing on cards as consumers reduce their spending and borrowing. In addition bad debt experience is worse than expected, particularly in relation to personal loans."
156th: Northern Rock Plc -£167,600,000 31.12.07

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