Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Most overpaid director

Now I'm sure he's worth every penny, but the highest paid director of all the UK banks received remuneration last year which was greater than a number of banks' capitalisation. The director, employed by N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd, received, for the year ended 31st March 2007, £7,831,000. Poor chap probably had to take a pay cut. In the previous year the highest paid director at Rothchild's received £8,251,000. So, yes I'm sure he's worth every penny but when it comes to his bank's performance it was well down the Pre-Tax Profit League Table, coming in at 30th. Barclays Bank Plc was second with its highest paid director receiving £6,764,000. At least Barclays came 2nd in the Pre-Tax Profit League Table. All in all, 24 banks paid more than £1,000,000 each to their highest paid director.

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