When it comes to lending there are good banks, there are reckless banks and then there are all those in the middle. As a shareholder one wants to see a good return on one's investment but in pushing a bank too far into unsuitable lending in the search for ever better returns one wants / needs a good capital base to weather the storms that crop up from time to time. The alternative is to plump for a bank that is well capitalised and prudent in its lending.
Interestingly, the 11 best capitalised banks (capital / assets) are all in the bottom 50 in terms of total assets, suggesting that biggest isn't always best.
The eleven are:
1. China Construction Bank (London) Ltd
2. Melli Bank Plc
3. Bank of the Philippine Islands (Europe) Plc
4. Metro Bank Plc
5. European Islamic Investment Bank Plc
6. C I T Bank Ltd
7. Allied Bank Philippines (UK) Plc
8. Bank Saderat Plc
9. Macquarie Bank International Ltd
10. Gatehouse Bank Plc
11. A N Z Bank (Europe) Ltd
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